We’re excited to share with you Chris Baier’s YouTube project, Kids Speak Out. Chris Baier is one of the creators of a movie we’ve featured before, Unstuck: An OCD Kids movie, and we’ve also interviewed him here previously. So, clearly, we’re big fans of his work. Kids Speak Out is a platform for kids to share their experiences and expertise through an interview format, speaking directly to people their age, going through similar things. Chris has done videos with siblings of kids of OCD as part of the series, as well. We love that Chris is actively working to hand the authority of talking about kids with OCD to the people with true understanding– the kids.


In his latest video, he interviews Shira, who shares her experiences of handling OCD and going to school. She also talks about the impact of therapy and residential treatment on helping her understand what she values in life.

Watch the episode below, and let us know what you think!


Check out all of Chris’s videos and interviews here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsiXXANdYoKplZTdJZMyTxA


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